Our Curriculum Statement
WHAT? Our ambition is that our curriculum is:
- Bold and adventurous - Challenging, promoting problem solving and creativity - Concept led- Flexible, allowing children to take a lead in the shape of their learning. - Relevant, for today’s challenging and changing world |
Key Concepts
Rich and deep subject knowledge based on prior learning |
Developing new and existing skills built through a progressive framework |
HOW WILL WE ACHIEVE THIS? We refer the ‘hows’ as ‘The Big 5’:
- THE QUESTION: Excites, promotes and sustains children’s interest.
- THE HOOK: Inspiring curiosity and wonder; excitement and engagement
- THE OUTCOME: Creating meaningful purpose for learning (Writing for real)
- THE TEXT: Using high quality texts to leading children into new worlds (Cultural capital)
- THE ENRICHMENT: Creating long-lasting experiences and memories (making learning ‘stick’)
In addition our curriculum will:
- Explicitly teach the importance of kindness, respect, sharing with and caring for others
- Not be bound by traditional timetabling
- Value the importance of physical fitness and well-being
- Value the importance of reflection, mental and emotional well-being
- Give opportunities for children to explore and reflect on their own spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) beliefs and experiences
-Give opportunities for children to develop the ability to communicate and debate effectivelyOffer as many opportunities as possible for children to learn outdoors and to value nature
- Value whole-school themed weeks and events
- Allow opportunities to engage with and learn from the strong local community.
- Allow children to think ‘wider’, and to discover and make useful connections and links between subjects and concepts. (Not be tenuously linked)
- Explicitly teach the importance of kindness, respect, sharing with and caring for others
- Not be bound by traditional timetabling
- Value the importance of physical fitness and well-being
- Value the importance of reflection, mental and emotional well-being
- Give opportunities for children to explore and reflect on their own spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) beliefs and experiences
-Give opportunities for children to develop the ability to communicate and debate effectivelyOffer as many opportunities as possible for children to learn outdoors and to value nature
- Value whole-school themed weeks and events
- Allow opportunities to engage with and learn from the strong local community.
- Allow children to think ‘wider’, and to discover and make useful connections and links between subjects and concepts. (Not be tenuously linked)
Core Subjects
We refer to English, Maths and Science as 'Core subjects'. More time is spent learning these subjects compared to others. Click on the buttons below to see the programme of study for each year group.
Foundation Subject Curriculum Progression Maps
Curriculum Content Overviews
The buttons below give you an overview of the specific subject content taught in each unit, over the year/cycle.